Welcome to our organization, the Bikez. Many of our rank are anxiously awaiting to see your special mercenary bike in action so I will now present you a simple mission to determine if you are any good. As this is your first briefing, I should tell you, that the green circle on the map refers to your current location, and the red circles are your targets.;
Indeed you could be a nice asset in our little family. Remember to use our warehouses to fix your bike and improve your weapons. Now let┤s take on something bigger. As you know the city has hired lots of mercenaries to hunt down our employees. These mercenaries use big motorcycles to carry all their advanced weaponry.;
A fast, moving enemy seems to be no problem to you. Now that you have proven your skill, we can start with your actual missions. Our goal is to take over this town by means of a series of extortion and assassination. You already know assassination, but our extortion-expert Uncle D is in jail.;
Uncle D on has devised a plan that will put the mayor on our blackmailing list. We will slaughter the mayor┤s daughter if we do not get a 50 percent tribute from the city┤s commerce.;
We contacted the mayor and gently asked for the annual tribute, but he has refused our generous proposal, so you must carry out our threats. The mayor will not live long, nor will his daughter.;
The mayor┤s daughter is dead and we have gained nothing! Plus the city police has sent three armored cycles after us. Your first priority is to dismantle them.;
We have toyed with the mayor long enough, now it┤s time for him to bite the dust. After his death the city will vote for a new mayor and our candidate is sure to be elected.;
Uncle D has selected you to be our candidate to run for mayor. After the vote, we will have total control of the city! Nothing can stop us then!;
Congratulations, you are now the new mayor! We shall immediately start converting this city into a profitable criminal organization. The bad news is that the state has sent the national army here.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 10.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 11.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 12.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 13.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 14.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 15.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 16.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 17.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 18.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 19.;
This is a placeholder for possible plot sequence 20.;
The power of the mayor is now yours to command. You have crushed all opposition. You rule the greatest criminal organization in the world. It┤s criminals cunning at your control. Your army is undefeatable. Your gangsters patrol the streets of every neighborhood in this city. This city. But other challenges await, the master of Bikez!;
0;level of mission 0=lowest
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
1;number of similar targets
8;picture of target
5;weapon of target
7;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
2;side of target
100;pay for completion
Dispose of the officer;very short briefing
A police officer hasn┤t been too good at taking bribes. This reluctant officer will meet his end soon enough.;briefing max 800 char per line
0;level of mission 0=lowest
1;type of mission
1;type of target
1;time limited or not
1;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
1;weapon of target
2;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
1;side of target
100;pay for completion
Take me there;very short briefing
I┤m late for an appointment with the mafia. Take me there and get 100, but hurry.;briefing
0;type of mission
2;type of target
0;time limited or not
1;number of similar targets
0;picture of target
0;weapon of target
8;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
2;side of target
150;pay for completion
Kill the mercenary;very short briefing
We have selected an especially nasty mercenary for you to deal with. He is armed with a minigun and willing to kill you. Mince him.;
1;type of mission
1;type of target
0;time limited or not
2;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
1;weapon of target
2;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
1;side of target
175;pay for completion
Take me there;very short briefing
To bust Uncle D out you must first take me to pick up some explosives, then take me to the jail where I will blow Uncle D out.;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
3;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
5;weapon of target
7;energy of target
1;size of target
1;tactics of target
1;side of target
175;pay for completion
Murder the judges!;very short briefing
To get Uncle D out you must take the life of the three judges responsible for Uncle D┤s life sentence. Afraid of more deaths the city will undoubtedly permit freedom to Uncle D.;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
1;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
12;weapon of target
20;energy of target
1;size of target
1;tactics of target
1;side of target
200;pay for completion
Kill the mayor┤s son!;very short briefing
The mayor will be contacted shortly, but in the meantime you will sweeten the deal by killing the mayor┤s son. Be wary though, he is one mean bastard.;briefing
0;type of mission
2;type of target
0;time limited or not
2;number of similar targets
0;picture of target
0;weapon of target
20;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
2;side of target
200;pay for completion
Kill the bodyguards!;very short briefing
The mayor will be contacted shortly, but in the meantime you will sweeten the deal by killing the mayor┤s two bodyguards. They have motorcycles, so be wary.;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
25;number of similar targets
10;picture of target
-1;weapon of target
0.4;energy of target
1;size of target
2;tactics of target
1;side of target
225;pay for completion
Kill the mayor┤s daughter!;very short briefing
Now the mayor has hired 25 look-alikes for her daughter. The only way to kill her is to kill everyone that look┤s like her.;briefing
0;type of mission
2;type of target
0;time limited or not
3;number of similar targets
1;picture of target
12;weapon of target
25;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
2;side of target
300;pay for completion
Dismantle the cycles!;very short briefing
The city┤s armored cycles are a modified version of the standard mercenary bike with better armor and armed with rockets. Go get them!;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
1;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
12;weapon of target
50;energy of target
2;size of target
1;tactics of target
1;side of target
350;pay for completion
Kill the mayor!;very short briefing
The mayor is currently doing a tour of the city┤s hospitals and prefers to walk to them. He should suspect nothing, but notice that he is a very big man as he used to play basketball before taking up politics. Discontinue his continued existence;briefing
1;type of mission
1;type of target
0;time limited or not
8;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
1;weapon of target
2;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
1;side of target
400;pay for completion
Take me there;very short briefing
We must do an election campaign to get you elected. Take me by some of the campaign sites and I will tell the citizens why you should be elected. Naturally because they will be killed otherwise.;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
5;number of similar targets
7;picture of target
11;weapon of target
40;energy of target
1;size of target
1;tactics of target
1;side of target
400;pay for completion
Kill the candidates!;very short briefing
The best way to win an election is to make sure there are no other candidates. Kill all five of them.;briefing
0;type of mission
0;type of target
0;time limited or not
30;number of similar targets
8;picture of target
12;weapon of target
20;energy of target
1;size of target
0;tactics of target
2;side of target
500;pay for completion
Eradicate the army!;very short briefing
The army is not just something you kill daily, take your time to configure your weapons and be careful.;briefing